1. This is going to take time so Be Patient!
(Stressing the word Patient)
2. Take care of your dreads even when they aren't down your back yet.
3.Once you get the hang of taking care of them then you will be able to work magic in your sleep.
When starting dreads your going to want to do what is called "backcombing" or just twist with a rat tail comb. (Which is more like moving a comb up and down a small section of hair in order to give it a frizzier effect.
*Please ensure that hair is washed and clean. Also be sure that the hair is completely dry when you back comb it.*
DREAD LOCK STARTING 1: Start by creating a small 1-2'' box in you hair. Smaller sections make thinner dreads. Once you have your sections place a rubber band near the root of the hair in order to hold the section into place.
(Most people start off with gel twists, but I prefer to start off with backcombing because there's more of a dread look rather than just long sticky swirls.)
Dreads wax (Without petroleum) should be applied to the dread and then a rubber band can be placed on the end of the dread to secure. *Dread wax will connect stubborn loose hairs while the hair dreads much faster*
Once the dreads have been in for some time the rubber bands can begin to be taken out.
With this style you can ensure that the maturity of you dreads will come a lot faster about 2-5 months depending on hair type.
DREAD LOCK STARTING 2: As you section your hair you can secure each section with a rubber band. When the whole head is sectioned off with the rubber band twist each section clockwise using a comb to snag the hair at the ends and twist. Don't place the rubber bands on to tight but so they are snug. (Which favors gel twists)

Great dread wax includes Dread Head HQ which I recommend since it's extremely well with holding together dreads and adding shine.
If hair is thin then try using Knatty Dread which is like a cream used to start and hold onto new form dreads.
This concludes my first lesson on Dreads and how to start dreads.
Check in twice a week for more healthy dread tips.
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